Friday, January 29, 2010

Ricotta Cookies Substitute

Erri De Luca. Towpath

More about Alzaia
History looks amazing place to Monaco in the first centuries of the Christian era. Entering a strange city prays to God to let him meet someone to talk to the scriptures. What a coincidence runs into a prostitute who takes to fix it with insistence. Thinking it had not explained well with God, dare to approach and ask why that look. The woman replied that it was normal she looked, since it was formed from the rib of man and then looked at their source. He adds: "But you do not have any reason to look, you have been formed by the earth and is what you need to fix." Many new explanations and interpretations of scripture meet on the sidewalk in the street at eye level. Nothing is contemptible and a whore can give a lesson in theology to a holy man.
  • Erri de Luca
  • Alzaia
  • Universale Economica Feltrinelli
  • Page: 109

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Plan B Walmart Buy Men

Marvin Minsky. The Society of Mind

More about La società della mente
What happens when a child reads a story that begins in this way?

Maria was invited to the party of Pierre.
He wondered if he would have liked a kite.

When asked what good is this kite that almost everyone would answer must be a birthday present for Peter. It's amazing that any normal person is able to do so quickly so complicated inferences, if one remembers that the idea of \u200b\u200bthe gift was never mentioned! A machine could do things so important?
  • Marvin Minsky
  • The Society of Mind
  • Adelphi
  • page 510
Reported by: Antonio

Monday, January 25, 2010

Graduate From West Point Without A Demerit

Flann O'Brien. A pint of ink Irish

More about Una pinta d'inchiostro irlandese
quickly went to a small room adjoining the bedroom of Miss Lamont, where this excellent person was in the grip of pains, and artfully stacked next to the walls colorful richness of their offerings and their beautiful gifts; golden bundles of mature barley bags, cottage cheese, berries, acorns and red yams, melons, zucchini and Faggiuola ripe sponges variously perforated wax crepe, filled with honey, oatmeal and pastries; clay pots of white wine thickened with milk and porcelain cup of foamy beer, sorrel and rustic cakes and biscuits with honey, cucumber and cold soft cradle, decorated with straw, elderberry wine poured into cups ovoid, green as the sea, and urn-shaped tubs of molasses pounded and crucibles with a rich dense foam brown fleshy mushrooms mellifluei; dell'opima comprehensive collection ground for God
  • Flann O'Brien
  • A pint of ink Irish
  • Pocket Bompiani
  • pages: 181-182

Happy 3rd Birthday My Duaghter

The Bible. Matthew

And, the crowd called him, said, heard and understand! Not that which goeth into the mouth defiles a man, but what comes out of the mouth, this defiles a man! -
  • The Bible
  • Matthew 15, 10

Friday, January 22, 2010

Is Honey Good For A Phlegmmy Cough

Ryszard Kapuściński. The other

More about L'altro
The end of the European Middle Ages and early modern era, the great expedition Europe to conquer the world, the subjugation of others and the robbery of his goods have written with blood and cruelty in the history of our planet. The extent of the genocidal practices of that era, which lasted over three centuries, will be exceeded only in the twentieth century, from the macabre features of the Holocaust.
For Europeans in those days, move to conquer the planet, the other takes the form of a naked savage, cannibalistic and pay for the European - white and Christian - is a sacred right and duty to subdue and tread . One of the reasons dell'inaudita brutality and cruelty that characterized the whites was not merely greed for gold and slaves who devoured the minds blinded and the European elites, but also the moral and cultural level of those who were incredibly low for the world sent on ahead of others. The crews of the vessels were composed for most of the criminals, notorious criminals and bandits, or, at best, of vagrants, homeless and bankrupt. Difficult, indeed, to convince the average person to go to a travel-adventure often destined to end in death.
The fact that for centuries Europe has sent to meet each other (and especially to meet him for the first time) its worst stretch representatives left a shadow on our relations with others, will form our current views on them, strengthen our minds stereotypes, prejudices and phobias, in one form or another, still continue to exist.
It will take many thousands of years before facing the human mind is the suspicion of a possible equality between ourselves and each other.
  • Ryszard Kapuściński
  • The other
  • Feltrinelli
  • pages: 16-17
Reported by: Antonio

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Most Fun To Shoot Lever

Kary B. Mullis. Dancing naked in the field of mind

More about Ballando nudi nel campo della mente
I started using drugs as a child. It was my mother beat me: I did start with the barbiturate, phenobarbital. Both she and her doctors considered him a logical way to pass a sleepless night, but it was long ago replaced by more expensive products, such as Valium.
Every so often, my mother gave me the codeine as a painkiller, when I had a cold, I bought a Benzedrine inhaler: the device was inside a piece of cotton that was saturated with amphetamine. It was a white plastic tube that cost 39 cents and came in comfortably in my pocket. I could sit in front Mrs. Coleman, my first grade teacher, and sniffing quietly. It gave relief when his nose was clogged, and if you pulled on the cold trying to bring you down. If today's students first decide to do something like that, we'll never get to see the glories of the second class.
  • Kary B. Mullis
  • Dancing naked in the field of mind
  • Baldini Castoldi Dalai
  • pages: 169-169
Reported by: Antonio

Monday, January 18, 2010

Is Big Lots Furniture Any Good?

Michele Ainis. The care

More about La cura
In our national flag, "said Leo Longanesi, we should put an inscription:" I would like family. " Who has not camped this excuse to justify not too commendable attitudes? Who has not expended for their children even at the cost of pulling tripping? After all, nepotism is a law of nature is no accident that thrives well between bees and ants, with greater dedication to rearing the larvae more genetically similar. And after the last weigh in all the districts. Even at Westminster, the oldest parliament in the world: an investigation in March 2009 the Financial Times revealed that a third of English parliamentary employs at least one relative on his staff. A good name even has a bench to mount on top of the world, the Presidency of the United States where in recent decades have come and gone and Bush father and Bush son in 2008 by a narrow margin where Clinton's wife failed in the undertaking that could Clinton's husband.
Besides, in the temple of meritocracy - the top American universities - force a privileged access to the children of alumni, especially if they have proved generous with the funds of the university. Otherwise, claim the malicious, hardly George Bush jr. have never studied at Yale.
  • Michele Ainis
  • care
  • Chiarelettere
  • pages: 85-86
Reported by: Antonio