As soon as possible after this' ll be translated in Inglese too:)
I could call this post "series before and after "(given the huge amount of changes) but I seemed an understatement. So, a little 'to remember this moment of my working life and a bit' to share the experience, I chose a title in my opinion the most suitable .
Many think that the illustrator is just fun to do, as it does a job you love and why the collective imagination, the artist is the one who always does what he wants. "
Well, sorry to disappoint those dreams , it is not.
Most of the time, he must submit to decisions that are the publisher and that, even if they seem horrible (in artistic terms) and unrealistic (humanly speaking), you must agree almost entirely.
course, one can express their views on reasons for their concerns and, generally, we are against in reaching a compromise agreeable to both.
But sometimes you run into a wall hard and fast decisions and find yourself to make tons of changes that make the plates, from their point of view, unwatchable.
It 's a real destruction of the artistic personality of the illustrator and this is what is happening to me in this particular case.
The case in which the performer to a mere illustrator / colorist of predetermined shapes.
My intent here is just to share an experience, forgive me if overrun in personal frustration in As an artist and leader, I will try to keep it at bay:)
This project was very beautiful. She was intriguing given the assumptions of Christmas theme and the concept of the book / game. Unfortunately this was not enough and, over time, it was ruined to become unsustainable.
Usually, after the approval of sketches, revised and corrected, you switch to color and, finally, change any items that do not fit.
This is, in general, the process working and the illustrator can bring imagination and soul into the project, as well as colorful and technique.
This time however it did not happen.
soul and imagination have been lost after the first almost complete revision of the drawings, where everything was fixed since the details of this minute. Games
color and technique are then completely disappeared after the first two plates, which have been completely rebuilt following the instructions of the dissatisfied customer.
An example?
-all the decorations of Christmas trees must be of the following colors and shapes.
-all elves in the scene (large about 1.5 cm full length, about 20 in one scene) should have different clothes, the following colors.
-all 'inside of the windows of the houses (about 1 cm large windows), you should see people in different positions.
I stop because the list is endless, though it may seem absurd.
Just to explain I speak also of the measures.
The tables are about 20 x 40 cm, for convenience have been made a little bigger. Whatever you try to draw a great man and 1.5 cm vestitelo DETAIL elf, with all the decorations of the case.
done this not just leave it, draw a group of 20 neighbors and friends all the elves and you will see different proportions.
At this point the client tells you that the elf's ear is too long and must be reduced by one third. In addition, all hands must have 5 toes clearly visible and almost everything has to be realistic.
Now you imagine that? now agreed that it is a bit absurd or at least extreme?
And mind you that I am not novel, it's all true.
Some "remnants" of working with brush 1 or 2, so a bit dim 'the story and we enjoy what was a good start:)

The beginning was nice As I was saying.
are playing with enthusiasm and joy trying to mediate my usual technique with the demands of customers who wanted a lot of cleaning and finishing. Even
this thing happens often in this job. You must find a compromise to please the customer, the more he succeeds in this, the more you work.
The editor in question wanted the debridement of the digital but also the traditional warmth of acrylic. I suggested work "painting" Painter in but did not accept. I then took
brushes and acrylics and I started working.
From then on it was all a constantly changing every detail. Slowly
what is my "style" (pass me the term) was completely changed to become, for me, something without form or sense.
Here I show you the before and after the test color (about 15 x 15 cm) at the end is just served as the tables are not so simple but much more intricate detail.
also place some of those before and after, unfortunately I can not bring back all the food, perhaps at work over ... if anything it will end.


all took the same intensity heavy losses, according to me, delicacy and taste.


As you may notice the grace, the harmony of colors, the atmosphere and the delicacy with which it seeks to maintain, although minimal because the client was already very annoyed by my personality Art, have vanished, giving way to a mishmash that beats the big lights and sounds of country fairs of my beloved Sicily.
My artistic ego is dissolved becoming unrecognizable and that I have left is a big frustration. In addition to many hours of work in which they subsequently could be born two books.
said that as you try to continue the work of the illustrator is just a job and, later this month, there are bills to pay and you must eat.
I wish to close the post with a couple of thoughts.
it is good, human, illustrator to bring a "pervert" in all of your work to the point that the result they see fit revolting?
Would not it be better to try to understand what an illustrator is best suited to your project BEFORE you start working?
And even later, also at the suggestion of James himself, is not better to stop and say that there was wrong rather than get to generate tables that look more like a patch unwatchable?
because sometimes obstinacy and vision of themselves too high overrides good taste and also the reason?
We'll see how it will end this story.
I, in all this, I expressed my point of view but I'm not here to report the details of the discussions between me and the publisher.
I was only to share experience and give pause to those who come to this world, perhaps believing that it is just fun.
Work is work, anyway.
The work of art is perhaps more difficult because they are deal with emotions, personality, pride and love.
This is just my thought.
A hug.
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